Heavy-light mesons and diatomic molecules with improved Eckart--Hellmann potential model in a deformation space-space background: New bound states and the effect on thermodynamic properties


  • Abdelmadjid Maireche University of M'sila-ALGERIA


Flat plat collector, Selective coating, Optical properties, Solar irradiance.


In this research work, we investigate the 3D deformed Klien-Gordon and Schrödinger equation equations (DKGE and DSE) with the improved Eckart-Hellmann potential model (IEHP) model taking into consideration the effects of deformation space-space within the three-dimensional relativistic/non-relativistic noncommutative quantum mechanics (3D-(R/NR)NCQS) regime. The DKGE and DSE in the 3D-(R/NR) NCQS regime for this consideration are solved using the well-known Bopp's shifts method and standard perturbation theory.  The new relativistic and non-relativistic energy equation and eigenfunction for the IEHP in the presence of deformation space-space for the homogeneous (I2, N2, H2) and heterogeneous (CO, NO, VH, TiH, NiC, TiC, and CuLi) diatomic molecules are obtained to be sensitive to the atomic quantum numbers ( ), the mixed potential depths ( ), the screening parameter  and non-commutativity parameters. The non-relativistic limit of new energy spectra is analyzed. We examine the obtained new bound state eigenvalues of the DKGE and deformed Schrödinger equation with the IEHP in 3D-(R/NR) NCQS symmetries by suitable adjustment of the combined potential parameters and get the new modified Hellmann potential, new modified Eckart potential, new modified Coulomb potential, and new modified Yukawa potential. The homogeneous and heterogeneous composite systems under the IEHP model are investigated in the context of the 3D-NRNCQS regime. The effect of space-space deformation on the spin-averaged mass spectra of the heavy-light mesons such as (charmonium and bottomonium) under the IEHP model in 3D-NRNCQS symmetries was investigated. Furthermore, the thermal properties such as partition function, mean energy, free energy, specific heat, and entropy of the IHPMEP are duly investigated in both 3D-NRQM and 3D-NRNCQS symmetries. The present research finds many applications in various fields, such as molecular and atomic physics.



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How to Cite

Maireche, A. (2024). Heavy-light mesons and diatomic molecules with improved Eckart--Hellmann potential model in a deformation space-space background: New bound states and the effect on thermodynamic properties. Jordan Journal of Physics, 17(5), 587–611. Retrieved from https://jjp.yu.edu.jo/index.php/jjp/article/view/18